The association

Article 1

The "Association of Italian Moving Companies - AITI -" is established in Rome, according to the laws in force, among the companies carrying out relocation activities. principles and purposes. The Association does not have as its object even in part the exercise of commercial activity and is not for profit.

Article 2

Aims of the Association The Association has the following purposes:

a) to stimulate, in the Company in which it operates and among entrepreneurs, knowledge of social and civil values, orienting the behavior of entrepreneurs in the context of a free development society;

b) helping to promote forms of collaboration with civil institutions, economic, political, social, cultural organizations that allow to jointly pursue wider aims of progress, without prejudice to the autonomy and interests of the members;

c) perform the following functions i for its members:

1. protect the figure of the entrepreneur and the moving companies on the moral, social, economic, trade union, financial, tax and any other relevant fields by promoting adequate actions and stipulating, upon request, agreements with companies, work groups and their community;

2. study, promote and implement every initiative to enhance and strengthen the business of the mover;

3. promote, organize, document research and studies, training courses, debates and conferences on economic, social, technical and managerial issues, on topics of general interest for the category;

4. provide advisory and assistance services to participating companies in relation to issues of interest to them;

5. arrange for the appointment of its representatives in all entities and bodies in which such representation is required by laws and regulations or is required or admitted;

6. foster a loyal understanding and real collaboration between the members by foreseeing and repressing any form of harmful or unfair competition.

Article 3

Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct A.I.T.I.

1. Membership status entails the obligation to accept and comply with the following provisions.

2. Pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 4 of Law 11.11.2011, no. 180, the associated companies and their representatives recognize among the founding values ​​of the AITI, the refusal of any relationship with criminal or mafia organizations and with subjects that resort to conduct contrary to the law, in order to counteract and reduce the forms of control of the companies. and their collaborators who actually alter free competition.

3. The associated companies and their representatives reject and oppose any form of extortion, usury or other types of crime committed by criminal or mafia organizations, and collaborate with the police and institutions by denouncing, also with the assistance of AITI, any episode of illegal activity of which they are taxable.

4. Associated companies whose behavior is not consistent with the commitments to combat the activities of criminal organizations and collaboration with institutions, as provided for in the preceding paragraphs, must be recalled in writing by the competent bodies of the association.

5. The company that, after the written warning, does not rectify its behavior in compliance with the obligations arising from this Code of Ethics, will be fined the suspension of the association relationship from six months to one year. At the end of the suspension period, if the company has not yet brought its conduct into line with the obligations of the Code of Ethics, the competent bodies decide on its expulsion from the association.

6. Being a member involves the obligation to comply with the A.I.T.I. Code of Conduct, an integral part of this Statute. The A.I.T.I. Code of Conduct contains as an integral part the Code of Ethics for companies operating in relocation services; both documents are attached to this Statute.

7. Associated companies whose behavior is not consistent with the commitments contained in the A.I.T.I. Code of Conduct, according to the provisions of the previous paragraph, must be recalled in writing by the competent bodies of the association who will indicate the non-compliant behavior.

8. The company that, after the written warning, does not conform its conduct to the obligations arising from the A.I.T.I. Code of Conduct, is sanctioned for suspension of the membership relationship from six months to one year. At the end of the suspension period, if the company has not documented compliance with the obligations of the A.I.T.I. Code of Conduct, the competent bodies decide on their expulsion from the association. The suspension does not invalidate the obligations arising from art. 7 of the Statute

Article 4

Professional recognition

The Association undertakes to carry out all actions aimed at promoting the identification and professional qualification of the registered companies and to consolidate its role as a liability and guarantee body towards third parties, pursuing a increasingly marked professional recognition of its members, through the regulatory instruments and the adoption and application of the Code of Ethics and the AITI Code of Conduct, as established in art. 3 of this Statute and of the standard removals contracts, drawn up and published in collaboration with Unioncamere.

Article 5


All companies of any economic size that carry out relocation activities and are registered in the Register of freight haulers can be part of the Association. on behalf of third parties The application for admission must be signed by the legal representative of the company with the commitment to use personnel and means in compliance with current legislation and accompanied by the certificate of registration with the Chamber of Commerce in whose jurisdiction the company is based, from which the activities carried out at the headquarters and the registration in the Register of road hauliers on behalf of third parties result. The adoption and application of the Code of Ethics and the Code is also a necessary requirement for the membership and the new registration of the associated companies of AITI Conduct, as set out in art. 3 of this Statute. other business associations, organizations, institutes and other legal entities may also join, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, upon simple request and with the commitment to pay the contribution agreed upon with 'AITI, they do not have the right to vote nor can they be part of the Board of Directors. in the supervisory bodies (Board of Arbitrators and Board of Auditors) also a representative appointed by other Associations of member companies or a single legal entity.

Article 6

Registration procedure

The application for admission signed by the legal representative must be submitted to the Association of the Board of Directors, decides its acceptance after checking the documentary data provided. The application, to which the documentation proving the requirements referred to in the previous article must be attached, must contain all the necessary personal data of the Company and the explicit declaration of acceptance of this Statute. The Company is definitively accepted into the Association after the ratification of the application by the Board of Directors and the payment of the registration fee.